Thursday, February 4, 2021

Field Birds

Busy day today. I had a 9am Doctors appointment to have part 2 of a newish super duper Shingles vacination. I spread some bird seed in the field on the way to the Doctors. I arrived at the appointed time and was asked if I got the cancellation phone call. Obviously not. Where's the banging your head against a brick wall emoji when you want it? Apparently their refridgerator had taken a dump. Great. OK back home to a second cup of tea. Next task of the day was to figure out why after yesterdays firmware update to Kelly's Outback pretty much everything was AFU (I'll leave that up to you to figure out). Called the dealer, try this, try that, do a total factory reset. Nope. Nothing worked so back into Harrisburg only to run into a delay caused by an overturned truck. As I was on the way down the lane however I noticed a Snow Bunting with the Horned Lark flock. OK then I thought, I know what I'm doing this afternoon. The fix was to reload the firmware which just didn't work yesterday. After a Hoageez sub for lunch I was up the lane and spread a bit more seed in a suitable place where I could park up and wait. It wasn't long before the Larks showed up along with both Lapland Longspurs and the Snow Bunting. Every time they would come close a vehicle went past causing them to scatter, they always came back but nearly every time I was about to get a killer shot real close another vehicle would go by. These are a bit distant but theres always tomorrow when the light wont be so harsh. Only trouble is the mornings already wasted as I have to take my Outback in for the firmware update. Hopefully the afternoon will have better light.
Horned Lark

Horned Lark
Lapland Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting
Snow Bunting

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