Thursday, July 1, 2021

It's been really hot recently.

 The last few days have seen temperatures in the mid to upper 90's Fahrenheit with quite high humidity levels making it really nasty to be outside after about 9AM. Last night the temperature fell by about 20 degrees following a thunderstorm and today it's only 75F but wet and overcast. In the Winter you can't wait for Spring and a rise in temperatures and in the Summer you can't wait for Fall and Winter temperatures. Here's one from earlier in the year when it was barely above freezing.

Snow Bunting

I did go out earlier and put on my chainsawing gear and fired up the Husqvarna and chopped up a previously felled trunk that would be in the way of the driveway equipment when they come at the end of the month to do the driveway. After that I fired up the oven and made some bread for lunch. Damn it was GOOD with a bit of cheese.


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