Thursday, July 9, 2015

Birds and Butterflies

I've had an exciting few days recently. The encounter with the Timber Rattlesnake started it off nicely. The next morning I came across a family of Killdeer, parents and 3 cute little chicks. I stopped to photograph them of course. That afternoon I was passing the mountain and decided to go have another look for the Rattler as the weather was much nicer. I hoped he would be out sunning himself. (I've been advised that the Rattler was most likely a male). On the way up the mountain I came across a very dark Rattler sunbathing by the side of the road. By the time I'd stopped, grabbed my camera ran back he/she was disappearing into the tall grasses. I was not about to leave the safety of the road to get a photograph. I carried on up to where I'd seem the first one but there was no sign of him. There was however a load of butterflies which I included here. The light was very good and it always helps if you have good light. Another event which I thought was great was an unusual bird in the yard. Early yesterday morning I glanced out onto the drive and noticed a bird disappear under the Kelly's car. It was sparrow sized but was light underneath and bobbed it's tail. As it was disappearing under the car I thought that looks like a waterthrush. Grabbing the nearest bins I found it insect hunting along the base of the garage door. A Northern Waterthrush. Certainly not what I would have expected, in the stream yes as I've seen them a couple of times before but in May not July! It was chased onto the wheelie bin by a Catbird then it flew onto my bird table and was chased off by a Brown Thrasher.

Calling one of the chicks

Killdeer Chick

Great Spangled Fritillary

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

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