I can't believe it's been a week since my last entry. Oh well, tempus
fugit as they say. The Autocorrect got totally confused with Latin!
Still lots of snow on the ground and it's not melting much in the frigid
temperatures. After an early trip to the supermarket I stuck the lens out the
window and had to wait awhile for the first bird to show up. It was the
resident Mockingbird, he spends most of his time guarding the winterberry
bushes where he gets his fruit fix. I just watched him attack a poor innocent Starling, he had the Starling pinned down on the snow!
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
Northern Mockingbird
The next bird to show up was this Eastern Bluebird, I'm not sure if this is a
young male or a female.
Eastern Bluebird |
Eastern Bluebird
The birds were not at all happy that Hellcat was on the prowl. She's named Hellcat because when I trapped her and had her fixed, it was in the Winter a couple of years ago. With females you have to keep them inside in freezing weather until the hair over the incision has grown back or they could freeze to death. I had her in a large two story cage, she had litter tray on the bottom level and nice warm bed and food on the upper level.She totally destroyed that cage each and every night. I mean it needed a thoughly good clean out every day. She would hiss, swipe at each and every attempt to stroke her, totally feral. Hence the name Hellcat, I was very glad when I was able to let her loose. She's not totally unfriendly when she's outside. Where am I going with this you might ask.Well Downy Woodpecker landed and just totally froze, this normally is due to a Coopers Hawk being about. In this case it was due to Hellcat having a drink out of the birdbath. She's not dumb.
Downy Woodpecker |
When the light changed a bit I gave up and then went up the lane to spread some seed for the field birds. There's lots of exposed clods of earth and cornstalks so they're more dispersed than after fresh snow. Still I got a nice shot of a Horned Lark. No sign of Lapland or Snow Bunting today.
Horned Lark |
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