The Snow is slowly melting in the slightly warmer temperatures. Some more on
the way tomorrow apparently.
Years ago Kelly bought me a hanging bird feeder made out of a branch that had
holes drilled in to place suet for the woodpeckers to eat. I went out to fill
it up and as I grabbed at the bottom to lift it off the hook a little
Ruby-crowned Kinglet landed on it and started eating. Just 18" away, it was
amazing, tiny little thing just chomping away. The Brown Creeper was on it
later, I'm trying to entice him onto the Silver Birch so I can get a shot of
him. No luck yet, but I'm patient. Here's a selection of birds that did come
to feed.
Eastern Bluebird |
Northern Mockingbird |
Northern Mockingbird |
Starling |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
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