Leaving Brigantine late morning it was about a 45 minute drive North up
the Garden State Parkway to Long Beach Island. Barnegat Light is at the
extreme North end of Long Beach Island and seems to take forever to get there
once you've crossed the bridge. Once there its a 0.7mile walk across the sand
to get nearer the end of the Jetty or you go rock hopping across the huge
'flat' topped borders that form the jetty. Notice I put the word flat in
apostrophe's. They're not flat but you can hop over the gaps between them and
if you watch where you're putting your feet and avoid wet and slimy area's you
might survive if you're lucky.
It was a good day and I survived.
Common Loon |
Red-breasted Merganser |
Red-breasted Merganser |
Red-breasted Merganser |
Red-breasted Merganser |
Dunlin |
Dunlin |
Dunlin |
Female Harlequin |
Harlequin |
Harlequin |
Harlequin |
Herring Gull |
Herring Gull |
Long-tailed Duck |
Long-tailed Duck |
Long-tailed Duck |
Purple Sandpiper |
Purple Sandpiper |
Purple Sandpiper |
Purple Sandpiper |
Ruddy Turnstone |
Sanderling |
Sanderling |
Sanderling |
Exciting images! Good job :)