Instead of being also known as Turkey Day I nearly wanted to have it renamed
as Cooper's Hawk Day. This morning there were loads of birds out there, Blue
Jay's, Carolina Wren's, Junco's, Starlings, House Sparrow's, Mourning Doves,
Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers and best of all a family of Bluebirds. So
when the turkey dinner was in the oven I got set up to take a few pictures.
There was not a bird in sight, not a chirp or squawk from anywhere. This only
means one thing, a damned Cooper's hawk on the prowl. I waited and waited and
waited. Nothing. Pity the Turkey was in the oven. I wonder what Cooper's Hawk
would taste like.
Downy Woodpecker |
Eastern Bluebird |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
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