If the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker I saw yesterday had put in an appearance
it would have been a 4 Woodpecker Day.
It was down to 28F this morning when I went out to top up the feeders and the
birds appreciated it because by the time I was back inside the Bluebirds were
scoffing the mealworms. They unfortunately were gone by the time I set the
camera up. Still I can't complain, the regular Downy's both male and
female were there as well as one of the Red-bellied and a Hairy Woodpecker who
I don't see very often making it a 3 pecker day. The Blue Jay's were on form
as usual and putting on a show.
Blue Jay |
Blue Jay |
Blue Jay |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
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