The thing about these Baltimore Orioles is that they are quite vocal when they're up in the trees but when it comes to bathing they are like Ninja's, really, really stealthy. You don't know they're there until you see the splashing. He didn't stay long as the squawky Blue Jay scared him but it wasn't long before he returned.
Blue Jay |
The Baltimore Oriole came back pretty quickly and had a good splash around then luckily for me he flew into the bush and spent a long while preening himself to look good for his lady friends.
Baltimore Oriole |
Baltimore Oriole |
Baltimore Oriole |
Wasn't long before a Prairie Warbler flew in for a bath.
Prairie Warbler |
Gray Catbird flew in and just had a look around and was admiring the Jacobs Ladder.
Gray Catbird |
It went quiet for a while but a look around revealed not 1 but 4 Mourning Doves having a drink.
Mourning Dove |
At this point I was just about to call it a day when this little beauty showed up. Back in the dim distant past I remember waiting for hours and hours over 3 days to see one of these little gems along Porth Loo Lane (I think, but it may have been Rocky Hill Lane) on St Mary's Isle's of Scilly. Now I see them every year in my back yard.
Common Yellowthroat |
Common Yellowthroat |
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