Wednesday, October 25, 2023

In between

While I've been taking a few shots in the yard the last few days there's nothing in the way of new arrivals yet though I did see a White-throated Sparrow which is the first for the season.

 Last winter was pretty mild and very little snow and it didn't hang around for very long. I look forward to a good fall of snow as it concentrates the field birds along the road side where they pick the edges for seeds. This being an El Niño year I'm not sure if we're in for some snow or not. I certainly hope so. I'm also looking forward to heading over to Barnegat in the next few months to sit on the freezing extremely dangerous rock jetty to photograph the sea duck, in particular the Harlequin's that spend the winter there. In the meantime here's a couple from earlier.

Snow Bunting

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