Leaving Bombay Hook I headed South West to another National Wildlife Refuge,
Blackwater in Maryland. It was my first visit and I wanted to go because I'd
seen some outrageously gorgeous Great Horned Owl pictures from there.
While I often hear Great Horned in the yard I only ever see them flying past
in the darkness. I got there around 12ish and headed for the visitor center to
ask where to look and this couple and I headed off to look. We failed
miserably. I drove up and down this stretch of road several times looking but
no luck in the warm bright sunshine. Plan B was always to head a little ways
North to whats colloquially termed the 'Wall of Shame'. No fucking way! My
name for it is "Wall of Fuck Me, this is amazing". See for yourself, hundreds
of duck which I rarely see in Pennsylvania.
This is a small fraction of the ducks present.
There were Lesser Scaup, Greater Scaup, Canvasbacks, American Wigeon and
Mallards and really close!
American Wigeon |
American Wigeon |
Canvasback |
Canvasback |
Lesser Scaup |
Lesser Scaup |
Mallard |
Mallard |
Mid afternoon I started heading back home. The route Siri suggested may have
been the fastest but I didn't want to endure the nutters round Wilmington. I
asked Siri to head initially to Wilmington then as we got close I cancelled that
and asked her to take me to Gap in Pennsylvania which was the way I prefer. Siri
did great, we (Siri and I) got to Gap without any problems at all. I asked her
nicely if she would now take me home. The route is normally cross country
through Amish Country, through little towns like Intercourse, Paradise,
Bird-in-Hand, Lititz, Leola. This time she took me through New Holland,
Hinkletown (yes fucking Hinkletown) I'm calling this another Siri Brain Fart.
Still it was a good day out.