As it's been nasty hot and humid for a while I haven't been outside much. When I
was outside I was fully occupied with stuff around the yard which needed urgent
attention. Weeds grow just like the proverbial weeds in these conditions. We had
a series of thunderstorms last night which I missed as I slept throught the lot
apparently. What it did do was cool the temperatures down to an acceptable level
that I could stand.
I decided I hadn't been to Middle Creek much this year so I
headed there using my normal route. After a couple of miles down a road leading
to Middle Creek from the South I hit some roadworks and the road was closed so I
had to retrace my steps. I went back and tried another route, this time there
was at least a warning that the road was closed 2 miles further on. I thought I
would reach a side road to get to Middle Creek before the road works. Wrong
again. I nearly said Eff It but tried going back several miles to come in from
the East. This time I made it.
I stopped and tried to see if the beavers were
active, but it was too late in the day for them. What was unusual was several
Carp spawning in the stream, they must have come up from the main lake. I needed
a walk so I went out to Willow Point, not a lot to see, Red-winged Blackbirds,
loads of C.Yellowthroats, a few Yellow Warblers but nothing within range. Not a
lot at the point but a grazing herd of Cowbirds, I wonder if that how they got
their name. A couple of young Bald Eagles and thats about it. I amused myself by
trying to photograph flying Tree Swallows. I'm certainly in need of more
practice on small flying birds. An Eastern Phoebe was coming back to a perch over the stream. As the road was closed
further South there wasn't any traffic and an Otter was crossing the road
safely. I nearly got a photograph of him.
Eastern Phoebe |
Tree Swallow |
Tree Swallow |
Tree Swallow |
Tree Swallow |
Tree Swallow |
Tree Swallow |
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