Monday morning it was 31F today it reached 80F, my body has not yet got used
to such heat. It was rather warm in the blind and it's a good job I was
wearing my Icebreaker underpants that's all I'm saying. There was nothing
exciting but it was great to finally sit there and watch the birds come in to
drink or bath. We've been working on enlarging it when the weather permitted
and now I can say categorically that it's a 6 Robin sized waterfall. There
were 6 socially distant Robins all bathing at the same time and as they're all
joisting for territory it was pretty good to see them bathe without an attack
from any of them.
American Goldfinch
soon be in full breeding plumage
American Robin |
American Robin |
Common Grackle |
Common Grackle |
Northern Cardinal |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Song Sparrow
I've been using an iPhone app called Merlin to identify birds by sound. You just
select Sound ID and it listens for birds and tell you what it's found. It's
pretty damn good but it does make a mistake occasionally. It's been telling me
for weeks that it's hearing Cedar Waxwing in the yard. I've looked but have not
been able to see one. Last night I found them. I've seen them on and off in the
yard over the years but very rarely at the waterfall. Heres one from last night.
Cedar Waxwing |
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