Lots of Winter Storm Warnings the last few days but the forecast 6-8
inches of snow never happened, at least not around these parts. We got about 3
inches and as it had been quite warm the day before the black driveway
retained sufficient heat to melt the snow so no need to get the snowblower
fired up. Yesterday during the storm I was out regularly to feed the birds as
the falling snow quickly covered it otherwise. The poor old Mockingbird who
has been guarding his Winterberry bushes all winter against all comers was
severely outnumbered yesterday with about 50 Robins scoffing as many as they
could reach. There's still a few left for him and a suet feeder which he's
quite enjoys too. He also is quite partial to the odd dried mealworm as well.
I have mixed feelings about the arrival of the Robins, they are the most
aggressive, argumentative birds in the whole yard. On many occasion I've been
photographing a nice bird when the bullying Robin flies in and scatters
American Robin |
Blue Jay |
Northern Cardinal |
Northern Mockingbird |
Song Sparrow |
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