Monday morning; chilly with lots of birds at the feeders, nice lighting as
well. Just right for a bit of photography out of the window with a nice cup of
English Breakfast. I got set up pretty quickly, slid the window open and
installed the smoked lexan sheet in it's place to keep the mid 30's breeze
out. Dropped the camo netting, setup the Z7 and 500mm on the tripod and
waited. Apart from the one Cardinal that made a very tentative nervous appearance then buggered off that was it. Not a bird in sight, the feeders out
the front, the feeders out the back and the feeders out to the sides all totally
devoid of birds. and 2 1/2 hours later they still are. I know he's out there,
I just know it. I've looked but can't see him. but the birds in hiding can.
Bastard Coopers Hawk.
Northern Cardinal |
Northern Cardinal |
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