Wednesday morning was an earlyish start to get out to the Higbee Beach Observation Tower for the Morning Flight of migrant birds.
The weather was hot and humid even at 7am and the mossies were quite active. Unlike the bities at home which make a high pitched zzzzzzzzzzzz these little bastards were in stealth mode. You don't know you've been relieved of several pints until you feel the itch.
The morning flight was a bit slow with very low numbers, the highlight being a Clay-colored Sparrow which kept popping up from time to time. There was a brief look at a Yellow-billed Cuckoo and a few Indigo Buntings.
Clay-colored Sparrow and Indigo Bunting |
Clay-colored Sparrow |
Clay-colored Sparrow |
Forty Three years ago this month we went on the Cape May NJ to Lewes Delaware ferry and I remember seeing quite a few sea birds. What I remember most was the Bacon Sandwiches that they made on the boat, I had a nice cup of tea and 2 bacon butties way back then. Nowadays due to insurance reasons they only serve pre-packaged plastic imitations of the real thing. Damn! I was so looking forward to a nice bacon sarnie.
Not many sea birds to speak of, several Great Black-backed Gulls, Scoter and assorted other gulls. I did find one Parasitic Jaeger (Pomerine Skua) which flew and I managed a few distant shots. Pulling into Lewes the Herring Gulls were following the boat for discarded bacon sandwiches.
Parasitic Jaeger |
Parasitic Jaeger |
Herring Gull |
After leaving Lewes I headed back home stopping at Bombay Hook. It was miserably hot so I didn't stay long. Lots of shorebirds, Dunlin, Dowitchers, both Yellow Legs, Pectoral, Semi-P, Least and several long distance Marbled Godwits with a possible Hudsonian but too far to tell.
American Avocets along with the odd Godwit |
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