It's been a over a week since since I posted anything. No excuse just
too busy doing nothing in particular.
These are in no particular order. I went up to the Quittaphilla Wetlands as
there had been quite a few waders reported. Not much when I went, a few
Spotted Sandpipers and a couple of Lesser Yellowlegs. There was a nice Willow
Flycatcher (according to my Merlin App) but I never got a shot of him.
It's amazing just how many different species of bee there are visiting my flowers,
no idea what they are though.
The Mexican Sunflowers are amazing, they're a real hit for the butterflies. Last year the huge Cherry that took out my shed also took out a large Mimosa Tree in one of the flower beds in the front yard. With the Mimosa gone the flowers are doing so much better. At
times there's 4 or 5 Monarch’s chasing each other around and they're obviously
procreating as I've found lots of caterpillars munching my Milkweeds.
Bee on Mountain Mint |
Bee on Yellow Coneflower |
Another type of Bee on Yellow Cone Flower |
Blue Lobelia |
Meadow Fritillary |
Mexican Sunflower |
Monarch Caterpillar turning into a cocoon |
Monarch Caterpillars munching Swamp Milkweed |
Monarch Cocoon |
Purple Loosestrife |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Spotted Sandpiper |