So you see there was a Mockingbird eating the Winterberries out front, the light was perfect so I quickly got the window slid open and the smoked Lexan in it's place. I got the tripod raised to standing height and slid the Z7 and 500mm into the Quick Release on the Ballhead. Did you read where I used the word 'quickly'? Yeah....too quick. I never locked the quick release down properly. I needed to adjust the tripod height a few inches and lifted it up and crash! The camera, FTZ adapter and lens fell 4 feet onto the hardwood floor and separated. Little bits of the mount were everywhere. The camera switched on OK even with the broken mount and the lens mount looks OK to my eyes but I think the mount might be distorted. The F to Z adapter I think is toast however. So all the gear is away at Nikon being repaired and checked. The longest available lens I can use with the Z6 is the 70-200mm so I've not been taking any Bird pictures. Heres one from before the crash.
Carolina wren |