Touch wood its been a very mild winter so far. Yes I know touching wood is superstitious nonsense but there you are. I can't rely on the weather men can I?
So normally the Snow Geese are in the fields around home at the end of February not the end of January so it was a pleasant surprise to arrive home yesterday afternoon to find the sky full of Snow Geese. They were mainly in the field at the top end of the yard, I didn't disturb them as the light was failing and being trash night I had things to do.
This morning the light wasn't much better but they started flying in, thousands and thousands and even more thousands of them. As I was still in my sleeping attire I popped upstairs and put on my best stalking camo gear, grabbed the Nikon and proceeded to stealthily creep up to the top of the yard.
The geese were literally 5 yards from the edge of the wood so I got down in the leaf litter and crawled to a clearer area between the trees to take pictures. There was a strong West wind blowing and it was colder than a Witches Tit up there so I didn't stay long.