Trains, not birds, not cats, not butterflies, not humungous spiders or even a landscape. I would call that a radical change, wouldn't you?
Anyway, coming from a railway family on my Mothers side I've always had a passing interest in trains. Mother used to get free rail travel so we used trains a lot when I was a kid. Not your diesel electrics of today but real trains. Steam trains are the only way to go. Trains that had names, like the Flying Scotsman, the Golden Arrow, the Mallard. Those were the days. Anyway getting back to the pictures, Kelly and I were going to be dining in the Strasburg area in Lancaster county. I had a bright idea or a brain fart one of the two. Why don't we visit the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania I suggested. Now I must add that it was rather cold outside, January in PA can get rather cold but it had warmed up considerable from a few days earlier. The outside temperature was now a balmy 25f or so from memory. So off down to Strasburg we went, the light snow became a howling blizzard but what the hell, it was a Saturday and we had 4WD. The Museum was pretty damn good apart from one minor detail. The inside temperature was about 10 degrees colder than the outside. It was colder than a witches tit, I kid you not. No heating at all. We didn't stay too long! I wouldn't mind going back one day but probably when it's way above freezing.